Kacey joined Apple Counseling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed right after graduate school and completion of her 3,000 required direct clinical hours. Her passion for bridging the gap between hurt and healing has never subsided. As she has grown as a therapist, professional, and human, she has learned that she also desires healing on a larger scale. Which has brought her into a managerial position within Apple Counseling. Her role here still includes being an awesome therapist, but also the go-between our support staff, therapists, and clients. She aims daily to make the scheduling processes as smooth as possible for our clients in some of their darkest of times. She wants our staff to share the message that hope happens on the first phone call, every visit, and ultimately when their journey of healing ends with us.
On a more fun note, she prides herself on having the best dad jokes in the office. There will never be a day that you don’t catch her with a riddle, a silly pun, or a quick-witted comment to bring about some laughter. If you should feel your administrative interactions do not meet the highest of expectations or regard, please contact Kacey at kacey@applecounseling.com